Hello there, nice weather ain't it?
Sun's shining, birds are singing, a massive stormfront looming on the horizon just waiting to release its massive torrent of rain. Good times, good times...
I suppose it was about time I did one of these, I had thought of doing it earlier, but I wanted to have something to show before making a formal introduction. Now that my breakbeat loop has been approved I suppose now is the time.
I'm Isaak, 19 and I live in the Netherlands, Currently I'm enrolled in the Dutch pseudo-equivelant of college at the NHL.
I'm doing Communication & Multimediadesign, basically a course which allows you to choose what direction you want to take and how you want to get there. It's a little hard to explain right here, right now, but if you're interested...
This semester I've chosen to focus on sounddesign and music. We're building a flash game for a Zoo and I thought I could get some useful help around these parts. Given I often frequented the audio portal in search of hidden gems the step was easily taken.
My main passion however, is writing. I'm an avid writer and have been for almost 7 years. More recently I finished a script for a Left 4 Dead machinima and i have a few short stories already done.
Currently I'm working on my first, true novel and it's shaping up quite nicely.
If you're wondering, I am available for script writing if you need help with your flash.
I suppose I could list my interests here, but that would be fairly boring and unoriginal, instead I'll give you additional links through which you can follow me and/or contact me:
-Last FM
That's all for now.